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To protect, to rehabilitate and to serve

West Kimberley Regional Prison


Bookings for social visits have now reopened. Health measures, physical distancing and limits to visitor numbers will apply.

This state-of-the-art facility was opened in the West Kimberley, near Derby, on 1 November 2012.

Located south of the Gibb River Road and the Derby Highway intersection, the prison offers many firsts across Australia, with a design and operating philosophy premised upon Aboriginal cultures and values as far as is possible. Its philosophy (PDF 73 KB) includes recognition and acceptance of cultural, kinship, family and community responsibilities as well as spiritual connection to land.

West Kimberley Regional Prison (WKRP) is designed to house 120 male and 30 female prisoners in self-care units. The 22 houses on site accommodate 6 to 7 prisoners each. In keeping with the prison philosophy, the houses are grouped so that prisoners can be located according to family ties or language, as well as security rating.

The facility has a structured day program with an emphasis on supporting prisoners to develop life, work and decision-making skills to build self-esteem and the abilities necessary for self-determination.

All aspects of WKRP have been developed to ensure community, staff and prisoner safety is paramount.

Fast facts

Gender of population: Male and female (housed separately)
Security level: Medium and minimum
Total capacity:
(as at 21 October 2015)
Location: West Kimberley, 2240 km north of Perth


Contact details

West Kimberley Regional Prison
Department of Corrective Services
Lot 500 Derby Highway

Telephone: +61 8 9161 6000
Facsimile: +61 8 9161 6161

Postal address:
PO Box 350
DERBY  WA  6728

Page last updated: 23-Jun-2020